Hon. Chief. Dr. Emil Inyang Speak Out After Court Case

My dear constituents, greetings to you all, my brothers and sisters. We have all heard the judgment of the tribunal. It is what it is. Period. Do not feel bad.

The mandate you freely gave me is still intact. This is just a distraction. We will overcome. As others are busy doing the national politics of projects and programs in their constituencies, we are still talking about mundane issues six months running. We will overcome, and as I have always promised, I will not fail you in service delivery.

I have tried my best to be nice to our teaming youths, including Austin Igwe. Who today is in court with me? I know your pain. My dear youths of Akamkpa/Biase, enough of this hate toward yourselves, hate toward your community, pull him down syndrome, envy, and jealousy.

We are better together, considering our minority status. We will win the rerun; do not disparage. God has all the answers. You all know my level of patience and tolerance. I forgive everyone and accept them all.

Opposition will not help Akamkpa or biase grow. I wish you all well.

Thank you, and God bless.

Hon. Onun, Dr. Emil Inyang
Member Akamkpa/Biase federal constituency

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