Coco Bassey Esu React on His Re- Appointment by Governor Ben Ayade.

Coco Bassey Esu React on His Re- Appointment by Governor Ben Ayade.

First of all, I gladly thank Gov. Ben Ayade for re- appointing me into the Ministry of International Development Cooperation as SSA, a position I  earlier resigned from on personal grounds. I also appreciate those who worked hard to facilitate this appointment, seeing that my contribution in the past to the Ministry was useful, notwithstanding the fact that I remained in the PDP. Coco Bassey Esu continue to consider himself a stakeholder in the international development sector, notwithstanding where he\’ll find himself, politically.

Coco Bassey stated it clear that, 2023 General elections in CRS shall never be on political party grounds. It shall be based on personalities, what they stand to offer the young people of the state, and their willingness to stand for inclusiveness and diversity where all parts of the State matter equally.

There are some who are thinking they will drive on the vehicle of a political party to gain power and remain indifferent to their inglorious actions in the past. I do not have a lot to say about them other than to notify them that their poor performance, BETRAYALS and lack of consideration for the majority will not be forgotten, and their supporters will be disappointed come 2023.

For avoidance of doubt, my support for any candidate will be based on their capability and belief.  My interest is for those who have demonstrated that  justice, equity and fairness matters, particularly for the future of the youth of CRS, and that until basic wrongs in PDP are corrected, \”party supremacy\” has become a tool for undermining our inclusion, justice and fairness for the South. What makes the party \”supreme\” is when her Constitution is respected and used to run the affairs of the party, NOT what individuals prefer to do to enhance their personal ambitions against others.

Coco Bassey Esu remind all his fellow young persons that he still stand with the decision we reached which is contained in the Communique of  Coalition of Concerned CRS PDP published on 22nd July, 2022 (of which I am one of the signatories). While we are watching, let me report that no one within the leadership of the PDP has sofar reached out to us on the issues raised by us. We wait, we watch and we act.

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