I felicitate with my constituents of Cross River Central Senatorial District and fellow Nigerians on this occasion of our Democracy Day, June 12.

This Day has a tremendous significance for Nigerians who struggled so valiantly to establish Democracy in our beloved country and have vigilantly nurtured it with their tireless participation in the democratic process.

We are not where we want to be yet in our democratic march but we are also not where we started. There will always remain much work to be done in democratic consolidation and nation-building. We should therefore never despair or contemplate a return to the undemocratic past that had cost us so much toil and blood to escape from.


As we march ahead on the journey, let us respect our diversity and use it to produce the harmony that makes democracy the best form of government yet invented by man.

We will continue to use democratic mechanisms available to us such as the legislative institution to pursue the Nigeria of our dreams.

While congratulating my constituents and fellow
Nigerians on the journey so far, I urge us all to remain steadfast in our commitment to democracy.

Nigeria, We Hail Thee!

Happy Democracy Day.

Senator Eteng Jonah Williams
Cross River Central Senatorial District

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