Dr. Jacob Owan Manifesto as Chairman Bekwarra Local Government area.


Dr. Jacob Owan is a seasoned mechanical engineer with over two decades of experience. With a PhD in economics and currently pursuing a degree in law, I leverage my diverse academic background, experience and long-standing influence as a political strategist to run for Chairman of Bekwarra Local Government.

Dr. Jacob Owan is a seasoned mechanical engineer with over two decades of experience. With a PhD in economics and currently pursuing a degree in law

My vision is to build a prosperous Bekwarra community where everyone has access to opportunity, security, and a high quality of life. I believe in leading with integrity, fostering inclusion, ensuring sustainability, and empowering residents to take ownership of their future.

â–ª Integrity: Leading with honesty and transparency.
â–ª Inclusion: Collaborating with all Bekwarra people.
â–ª Sustainability: Ensuring balanced development for future generations.
â–ª Empowerment: Enabling residents to take ownership of their future.
Dr. Jacob Owan is a seasoned mechanical engineer with over two decades of experience. With a PhD in economics and currently pursuing a degree in law

1. *Spiritual Alignment*
I will prioritize spiritual alignment with God’s eternal plan for the comfort of all humanity (Job 22:21; John 15:5). This alignment will guide my leadership and foster a community rooted in faith and hope.


2. *Mental Alignment*
I will embrace the renewed hope and “People First” policy directions inspired by His Excellencies Chief Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Senator Prince Bassey Edet Otu. The people will be at the core of every policy decision during my chairmanship. By rekindling hope through honesty, inclusivity, and an open-door policy, I aim to empower residents to take ownership of socio-economic and political development.

3. *Security*
My priorities will include:
✓ Strengthening existing security structures.
✓ Collaborating with traditional institutions to ensure peace among Bekwarra indigenes and neighboring communities.
✓ Engaging local vigilante groups when necessary to maintain peace across all villages.

4. *Agriculture*
My agricultural policies will focus on:
✓ Increase agricultural productivity by 200% within three years through improved farming techniques.
✓ Promoting the cultivation of sesame seeds, groundnuts, palm oil, cocoa, cassava, rice, and livestock (goats, sheep, pork, cattle).
✓ Making agriculture attractive to youth by encouraging elected officials to establish farms and ensuring market access for farm produce.

5. *Education*
My administration shall

✓ Ensuring adequate manpower and infrastructure in schools.
✓ Providing scholarships for indigenes pursuing specialized courses (law, medicine, engineering etc).
✓ Establishing an education trust fund that allows well-meaning Bekwarra sons and daughters to partner with the local council for professional development opportunities abroad.

6. *Health*
Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right. My health initiatives will include:
✓ Overhauling primary healthcare systems to address communicable and non-communicable diseases effectively.
✓ Establishing well-equipped centers for early detection and treatment of chronic conditions like hypertension and cancer.
✓ Collaborating with the state health insurance scheme office to improve access to affordable healthcare.
7. Social Security
we will implement comprehensive welfare schemes for senior citizens, girls, and individuals with disabilities to ensure no one is left behind.
8. Infrastructure
Key initiatives will involve:
✓ Opening feeder roads across Bekwarra.
✓ Providing safe water supply.
✓ Promoting clean and renewable energy sources.
9. Urbanization
we will create a satellite town and ensure proper town planning for the local government headquarters.

10. *Revenue Generation Strategies*
✓ Revitalize local industries like brick making.
✓ Re-establish Bekwarra Concord Transport Services.
✓ Seek grants from development partners while repositioning local markets for revenue generation.

11. *Expenditure Management*
My administration will adhere to due process while avoiding wasteful spending and maintaining zero tolerance for corruption.
Dear political leaders, mentors, and contemporaries, I am committed to leading Bekwarra towards a future of prosperity. By fostering collaboration, enhancing security, promoting good governance, and prioritizing socioeconomic development, we can create an environment filled with opportunities for all. I therefore invite all Bekwarra people to join hands with me to transform Bekwarra into a model local government area.

I am Dr. Jacob Owan, a seasoned mechanical engineer with over two decades of experience and a PhD in economics, which provides me with a unique perspective on governance. Driven by a deep commitment to serve and uplift my people, I hereby offer myself for service as Chairman of Bekwarra Local Government Area
My vision is to build a prosperous Bekwarra community where everyone has access to opportunity, security, and a good quality of life. I believe in leading with integrity, fostering inclusion, ensuring sustainability, and empowering residents to take ownership of their future.
Core Values
✓ Integrity: Leading with honesty and transparency.
✓ Inclusion: Collaborating with all Bekwarra people.
✓ Sustainability: Ensuring balanced development for future generations.
✓ Empowerment: Enabling residents to take ownership of their future.

Strategic Objectives
A. Socioeconomic Development
✓ Agricultural Productivity: Increase agricultural productivity by 200% within three years through improved farming techniques, access to quality seeds and fertilizers, and expanded irrigation systems.
✓ Job Creation: Create at least 5,000 new jobs in agriculture and related industries by attracting investors and promoting value-added processing.
✓ Rural Infrastructure: Construct 20 kilometers of new roads and provide potable water to 50% of rural households within two years.
✓ Vocational Training: Increase enrollment in vocational training programs by 200% to equip young people with marketable skills.
✓ Social Safety Net: Implement a social safety net program to provide financial assistance to vulnerable households and elderly citizens.

B. Security and Peace
✓ Crime Reduction: Reduce crime rates by 30% within one year through increased police presence, community policing initiatives, and improved intelligence gathering.
✓ Rapid Response Unit: Establish a rapid response unit to address security threats promptly and effectively.
✓ Community Engagement: Promote peaceful coexistence with neighboring communities through cultural exchange programs and joint development projects.

C. Good Governance
✓ E-Governance System: Implement an e-governance system to improve transparency and efficiency in government operations.
✓ Citizen Engagement: Conduct regular citizen satisfaction surveys to gauge public opinion and inform policy decisions.
✓ Revenue Generation: Increase revenue generation by 100% through diversification of revenue sources and responsible expenditure management.
✓ Corruption Prevention Commission: Establish a corruption prevention commission to promote accountability and integrity in public service.

D. Additional Considerations
✓ Partner with NGOs and development agencies to leverage their expertise and resources.
✓ Involve the private sector in job creation and infrastructure development.
✓ Utilize technology to improve service delivery and enhance transparency.
✓ Prioritize sustainable development by considering the environmental and social impacts of policies.

My dear political leaders, mentors, and contemporaries, I am committed to leading Bekwarra towards a future where every resident thrives. By fostering collaboration, enhancing security, promoting good governance, and prioritizing socioeconomic development, we can create an environment filled with opportunities for all. I invite all Bekwarra people to join hands in building a brighter future for our community.
Together, we can transform Bekwarra into a model community.

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