Labour Party Cross River Chapter: Bassey Akiba welcome New development



In a strong show of support for peace and collaboration, the Honourable Member, representing Calabar Municipality/Odukpani Federal Constituency and Deputy Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Healthcare Services, Rep. Bassey Akiba, has welcomed the recent reconciliatory move initiated within the Labour Party.

As a dedicated member of the party and a firm believer in the power of unity, he emphasized the importance of this initiative in strengthening the party’s foundation and enhancing its ability to serve the people effectively.

“This reconciliatory effort marks a significant step forward for our party,” Rep. Bassey Akiba stated. “It is a clear signal that we are committed to overcoming internal differences and working together to achieve our common goals. The time for division is over; now is the time for unity of purpose.”

The member of parliament acknowledged the challenges the party has faced in recent times, noting that disagreements and misunderstandings are natural in any dynamic organization. However, he expressed optimism that the reconciliatory move would pave the way for a stronger, more cohesive Labour Party, capable of addressing the pressing needs of the people.

“Our strength as a party lies in our ability to come together, regardless of our differences, to advance the interests of the people we represent,” he continued. “This unity will not only fortify our party but also ensure that we are better equipped to deliver on our promises and effect meaningful change in our communities.”

He urged all party members to embrace the spirit of reconciliation and to actively participate in the ongoing dialogue while calling on leaders at all levels of the party to set aside personal agenda and prioritize the collective good, reiterating that unity and cooperation are essential to the party’s success and relevance in the political landscape.

“We must remember that our ultimate goal is to serve the people. By standing together with a unified purpose, we can overcome any challenge and make a lasting impact,” he affirmed.

As the Labour Party moves forward, the federal lawmaker expressed his unwavering commitment to working alongside his colleagues and fellow party members to build a more united and effective party, urging supporters and the wider public to rally behind the party during this critical time, confident that the Labour Party would emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

“Let us seize this opportunity to renew our commitment to the ideals that brought us together and work tirelessly to achieve our shared vision for a better future,” he concluded.


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