Who’s the First Person to Break the Write-A-Thon Record in the world??


Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian, a trailblazing wordsmith, is poised to etch his name in history as he undertakes the longest writing time in the Guinness World Records\’ Write-a-thon. Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian will embark on an extraordinary journey, aiming to write for an astounding 188 hours, equivalent to 8 days, to promote Nigeria\’s independence and bolster literacy.


Notably, Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian is not merely breaking the existing Guinness World Record; he is setting an entirely new standard. He stands as the first individual to ever undertake this monumental Write-a-thon challenge, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of literary achievement.

A seasoned advocate for education and cultural celebration, Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian sees this record-breaking endeavor as a unique platform to shine a spotlight on Nigeria, State and University of Calabar rich heritage while championing the importance of literacy in the modern world.


\”I am honored to be the first to take on this extraordinary challenge. Beyond the personal achievement, my goal is to amplify the significance of Nigeria\’s independence and promote literacy as a catalyst for progress,\” said Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian.

YOU MUST READ:University of calabar debunk recent Guinness book of records publication saying it won’t hold and it’s fake

The Write-a-thon will be a testament to Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian and team dedication, resilience, and his belief in the transformative power of the written word. As the world watches in anticipation, Daniel Ehis Aiguohkian aims not only to set a record but to inspire a global movement towards valuing education and cultural awarenesss.

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