Over 2.8m Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets arrived Cross River for distribution

\”Dr. Iwara Iwara Receives Over 2.8m Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets From USAID For Onward Distribution To Cross Riverians.\”

The Health Ministry has declared her readiness to begin the door to door distribution of the Long Lasting Insecticidal Treated Net to Cross Riverians soon as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry Dr. Iwara Iwara has on behalf of the State Government acknowledged the receipt of over 2.8m Long Lasting Insecticidal treated mosquito Nets from the The United State Agency for International Development (USAID), a Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) who has for long been in partnership with the Ministry of Health to reduce the maternal and infant mortality rate, promote reproductive health, expand immunization coverage, and prevent and treat malaria, HIV/AIDS, as well as tuberculosis.


Speaking during the delivery of the stocks, the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Iwara Iwara thanked USAID on behalf of the State Government for their resilience and tremendous support towards ensuring that Cross Riverians especially pregnant women and their babies don\’t die because of malaria disease. He thanked the team lead Dr. Veronica Momo for keeping to her words and making the delivery process quite seamless, stress free and very timely.

\”Let me on behalf of the Governor Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade thank our very distinguished and supportive partners USAID for their unflinching support and commitment to ensuring that our people especially pregnant women and children are prevented from malaria disease as the nets will help prevent and ensure that. We will start the onward door to door distribution of the nets as soon as we are done with the operational and micro planning as well as the advocacy visits to make the process very smooth just like we did in 2019. Every household in CRS will have at least one Net as we will ensure that no house is left out.


\”We will see to it that the nets are shared judiciously even up to the very hard to reach areas in the State and we will carry out a wider sensitization exercise to educate our people on how to use this Nets, it\’s importance and the purpose which it\’s meant to serve as we will not hesitate to discipline any household that decides to use this treated Nets for other agricultural activities. It is our collective responsibility as a government to keep our people safe and disease free and the USAID in partnership with our health pro governor have again taken a bold step to ensure that.\”

On her part, the head of USAID in the State Dr. Veronica Momo applauded the Governor of the State Sen. Ben Ayade who through the Ministry\’s Permanent Secretary made the delivery of the nets seamless while assuring the State of more support from the agency. \”A couple of years back we carried out this exercise with millions of LLINs distributed across the nooks and crannies of CRS, 4years today and USAID has seen the need to carry out this exercise again as over 2.8m LLINs are already in the store here in CRS as I speak. Modalities will be put in place to ensure onward distribution to Cross Riverians almost immediately.


\”The campaign will kick start in six States with CRS being one of the States, we thank Governor Ben Ayade who through his Permanent Secretary Dr. Iwara Iwara has made the delivery process very easy for us, we\’ll continue to render support and more services to the State as that\’s our obligation as an Agency. The importance of this initiative is to continue to safe the lives of Cross Riverians especially pregnant women and children.\”

Nigeria remains the country with the highest malaria burden in Africa, the awareness of LLIN in Nigeria is high, but the utilization is low and this the State Ministry of Health has promised to work so hard to change especially in the interior and hard to reach areas of the State by carrying out a more robust sensitization exercise for our people on the importance to make effective use of this Nets.

The distribution of the treated Nets to all Cross Riverians will commence as soon as possible and every household will have at least one insecticidal nets as has been assured by the Permanent Secretary of the State\’s Ministry of Health Dr. Iwara Iwara.

Ntem Chris

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