CRS Primary Health Care outline strategies to fight HIV/AIDS,Malaria and others.

\”CRSPHCDA Continues The Fight Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis And Malaria (ATM)\”

The newly appointed director general of the cross river state primary health care development agency Deaconess Mrs Abasioffiong Offiong has reassured cross riverians that the agency in collaboration with other implementing partners will not relent in the fight against people in cross river HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria


Speaking during a 3 day workshop to develop capacity plans for cross river HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria service delivery in the state held at treasure land hotel calabar, Deaconess Abasioffiong stated that the state health sector is adequately equipped to continually tackle the health challenges in the areas of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

\”In terms of HIV/AIDS, my sister agency SACA under the leadership of Dr. Etcheri Ansa is doing a wonderful job and as at today our prevalent rate has reduced drastically and with support from our implementing partners, the state is in a
good shape even though we\’ll continue to advise our people to either abstain or use condoms.


For Tuberculosis, CRS is still topping the list in terms of being one of the best states in this area, we have the wellness on wheels truck as well as the wellness on keke for testing, diagnosis and possible treatment and for Malaria, Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets will be distributed shortly to cross riverians as we\’ve already received the said nets.\”


We have a governor who has kept the health of cross riverians first amongst other things and everyday his instruction to the health team is that we put the lives of every cross riverian first before anything irrespective of tribe, religion, and age. Be rest assured that we\’ll continue to provide our people with the very best of health care services.

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