\”CRSPHCDA DG Mrs Abasioffiong Finally Connects State Cold Store To The National Grid.\”

By Ntem Chris.

The new Director General of the Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency Deaconess Mrs Abasioffiong A. Offiong who took-over the State cold chain store with the challenge of \”no-light\” syndrome took it as a major challenge and responsibility to address that deficiency thereby saving cost for government in terms of the 24hrs burning of diesel to provide electricity to keep the State\’s vaccine active/potent.


She has, since she took over office been working closely with the vendor, solving one problem to another and today, the cold chain store has been successfully installed with electricity being another of her very numerous achievements within 2months in office.


Mrs Abasioffiong while expressing her appreciation to the state governor Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade for his outstanding support round the clock also appreciated the efforts of her predecessor Dr. Janet Ekpenyong and major implementing partners. \”This wouldn\’t have been successful without the support of UNICEF and WHO. As an Agency, our profound appreciation goes particularly to UNICEF who saw the need to commence the process.\” She added.


The State\’s Cold Chain Store is now running with electricity from the national grid with all the equipments in the store maximally functional as we speak.

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