Its about 10:25pm 25th April 2023 at Akim street close to Etagbor, when a Volvo vehicle containing 4 guys arrive the street. 3 guys came out, 2 with guns and 1 with matchet while the other is warming the vehicle for quick take off.

Victims involve where roadside restaurants,a lady that was strolling to get soap for laundry and shop preparing to close for the day.

The lady selling food at the roadside was was beaten with matchet for delaying releasing her bag,the girl that went out to get soap for laundry was slapped and on gun point to release her phone, while others where threaten with gun to release whatever valuable they have.

After robbing the street the vehicle zoom off to MarySlessor, keeping the involved victims speechless till they left.

After the scene,people around testify that such thing has never happened within the environment, the roadside restaurants lady testify her availability till 12am without noticing such interruption since her stay within that environment.

While some people around confirm it might be a close neighbor that has been observing the street and notice the state it was before attacking..

No injuries or casualties were sustain

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