The Executive Chairman, Hon. Ndabu Robert Hogan had received a delegation of The Calabar Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria in his office.
The delegation of the Presbytery was on a courtesy call to the Chairman.
The Moderator of the Presbytery, Rt. Rev. Àkim Erim Mbeh who led the delegation, brought a part of the mission history of the establishment of the PCN in the ancient Calabar to include the sacrifices of the foreign missionaries of whom one of them was Rev Hugh Goldie. He told the Chairman that it shall be an error for the street\’s named \”GOLDIE\” to be changed because of the history that the name portrays.
Rev. Àkim who consoled the Chairman on the demise of the former Chairman and Congratulated him on his elevation to new position, opined that the name of Rev. Hugh Goldie is synonymous with early development/ enlightenment in the city of Calabar. He added that he was immortalised by naming the street \”GOLDIE\” after him,. According to Rev Mbeh, the Missionary ( Goldie) co laboured with other foreign missioners to bring Christianity to ancient Calabar and personally poinered the translation of the English Bible into Efik Language and also the Hymnary to Efik Language. In other words, through him, the gospel was contextualized.
Rev. Àkim in his words \”the comprehensive list of the foreign missionaries cannot be exhausted without the inclusion of Rev Hugh Goldie\” He said even schools have Rev. Hugh Goldie as one of the topics in lessons of Social Studies / History in school curriculum.
He appealed that the Chairman should please, make this major fact amongst Others known to His Excellency from the angle of the LGA to review his pronouncement of renaming Goldie Street.
Rev. Dr. Ubong Eyo and Eld. Geshom Davis also spoke and appealed that the Chairman should not allow great history of such a person like Rev. Hugh Goldie be erased as the street name is what sticks as a reminder to the students about the missionary\’s great work in the State when he was alive.
The Chairman, Hon. Robert Hogan thanked the Delegates from the Presbyterian Church who are the full custodians of histories of all Missionaries that had its impact felt in positive ways.
Ndabu Robert commended their matured way of approaching the issue and promised them that he shall take their message to His Excellency, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade.
High point of the visit was special prayers by the ministers to the Chairman, Council and Calabar South as a whole.
Also in attendance was the Vice Chairman of Calabar South LGA, Hon. Cyril Bassey.
Nkese Eneyo
CPS to the Chairman
Calabar South