Regarding The Plan To Shut Down Portal For The Upload Of Results this Friday, this evening, Tobe Stephen had a fruitful meeting with our beloved mother and proactive DVC Academics, Prof. Angela Oyo-Ita.
Our beloved DVC Academics listened to my humble appeal and decided to extend the Shutting Down Of the Portal to Monday, 29 May. So Portal remains Open for the Upload of results till Monday.
I had this meeting due to a lot of cries and the many messages sent to me and murmurings by our students, malabites and malabresses when they heard Portal will be shut down on Friday.
I am very sure with these five(5) days window, all pending results will be uploaded.
Thanks so much, our dear mother and Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics for being a listening mother. I was surprised seeing you working till 6:30pm in the office. The efforts you are putting in to advance Unical are worthy of appreciation. Thanks for accepting to extend the Portal Closure till Monday.
As for our Unical students, be rest assured we will continue to do our best for you.
Tobe Stephen.
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