By. Ntem Chris.
Effective healthcare system requires the availability of skilled healthcare workers. To address the high maternal and child mortality rate, the Federal Government through the NPHCDA has commenced the roll-out of the CRISP program.
Sydani team who was engaged by the NPHCDA through NEMCHIC to conduct this recruitment exercise arrived Cross River State and had a successful orientation of the recruited SBAs and MOH.
A total of 55 personnel have been recruited so far 28 Nurses, 22 Community health extension workers and 5 Medical officers of health.

At the orientation exercise carried out by representatives from Sydani, NPHCDA, CRSPHCDA, and SMOH and all other necessary bodies. The Director General of the CRSPHCDA Deaconess Mrs. Abasiffiong Offiong expressing her satisfaction and delight on how smooth the process went and commended all teams involved especially the NPHCDA and Sydani team amongst others.
Other dignitaries that made up the team includes; Dr. Nkese Mkpanam of UCTH, Offiong Edem NPHCDA ZTO, Mr. Julius A. Idoko the State Coordinator for NPHCDA, Mr. John Oden of NPHCDA, Dr. Nta Idoreyin, Dr. Felix of same NPHCDA, Faith Oisagbai of Sydani team and Mrs Elizabeth U. amongst others.

Resumption has been scheduled for 1st July and Once this exercise is over, they will be posted to different LGAs to improve the maternal and child health indices in the health facilities.
Attached herein is the list of successful participants.