Miss Umoren Nsisong, a 400L student in the faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Calabar allegedly bites and harassed her lecturer on Monday, 26th June, 2023.

According to the victim Mr. David Ushie, \”Two students constituted phone nuisance in my lecture today. Having been warned earlier, I seized the phones, asked them to pick their phones from my Dean or the VC by next day.

\”I was still with the students in our faculty bulding, UNICAL, when miss Umoren forcefully dipped her hand into my pocket for her seized phone. In a second attempt to drag the phones off my hands, her colleagues cautioned before she freed her grip on the phones and my hands.

\”After this second attempt, I locked the phones in the pigeonhole in my vehicle but Nsisong forcefully opened the door and the pigeonhole, recovered her phone along with some unidentified items. I stepped forward from where I was standing to stop her getting away with the items but she gave me a bite and ran away, other students watched in disbelief.

\”See picture. I\’ve never met or known Umoren Nsisong before today. A student who can assault or bite her teacher is a workplace risk to patients and we all\”.

Source: Prince, Samuel Emenike (Mr. Noble)

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