craft house Team of the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School Emerges Victorious in National SAGE Competition and earned the rights to represent Nigeria in the SAGE in South Africa in August and the SAGE International World Cup in Italy September 2023
In a remarkable display of talent and innovation, the CraftHouse team from the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School has emerged victorious in the National SAGE (Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship) competition. Their outstanding performance has earned them the honor of representing Nigeria on an international stage, with upcoming competitions in South Africa and Italy in August and September 2023, respectively.
The CraftHouse team, comprising 12 exceptional students of UCIDSS, showcased their groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize sustainable practices within the security sector and environmental healthcare.
Two projects were presented and exhibited by The Craft House Sage Team;
As environmental health stewards and teenpreneurs,The Craft House Sage Team designed and fabricated The CH-HEALTRICAL SMART COOKER,
It burns faster does not emit harmful and posionous gases, it is smokeless. It saves time and money.
It transforms heat energy to electricity that can be stored for future purposes to charge household appliances like rechargable lamps,torches,phones, laptops etc.
equipped with IoT system with internal programmed and programmable computer chips that uses inputs sensors and output components to control functions.
The IoT integrated system also carries out several health checks .
The CH-HEALTRICAL COOKER runs on compacted sugar cane pellets, wood pellets, sawdust and solar energy.
The Ch Healtrical Cooker is built for use in remote, harsh environment and urban cities.
It eliminates toxic emissions and improves the air quality of household air pollution below WHO recommended exposure limit.
Potential customers enjoy clean cooking energy while saving energy, running health checks,saving women, girls, children and the environment as well as providing electricity to pupils and students to study at minimal cost.
The CraftHouse Sage Team designed and built the first ever High tech intelligent Multipurpose security system with advance feedback and signalling feature that can be used to combat the menace of Insecurity such as ; Robbery, Kidnapping as well as protection of lives and properties in urban,rural and remote setups.
It features intelligent micro controller,a standard 16 alphanumeric data entry keypad for personal personal identification code, with an additional mobile App support that allows for real time tracking, image capturing and video surveillance as well as location tracking of victims if there is a security breach or a victim is abducted.
The security system uses GSM technology for mobile communication linked to two dedicated mobile numbers and a security agency used to interact without the knowledge of an intruder.
The Ch – Smart Security system comes with an inbuilt solar power supply system that allows the system to be used as a stand alone device mostly in the urban and rural areas and where there\’s no access to electricity supply.
The Craft House Sage Team of The University of Calabar Int\’l Dem Sec School have in the past years Won numerous awards Nationally and internationally;
1 . National Competitions:
Ist place 2013
1st place in 2015
1st place 2016
1st place 2017
1st place 2018 etc
2.International Competitions
Ukarine 2012
– Most outstanding Team
– Most innovative/ Creative Exhibition
– Most outstanding Cultural troupe
– Most active contingent in Country\’s league of Nation
– Produced a student as The Regional Director of Africa
– Sage International World Cup 2013 2nd Place
– Sage International World Cup South Korea 2015
1st Place
Sage International World Cup Ukarine 2017
– Most outstanding Team
– Best Cultural troupe
Other awards won by The Craft House Sage Team include;
– Face of Sage
– Best Sage Advisor
– Best Sage Coordinator
– Best Cultural troupe
– Best Environmental project
– Most impactful Health project
– Most innovative Project
– Most outstanding Team
– Overall Best Sage Team.
Their innovation, a line of eco-friendly and ethically sourced security system and cooking stove, stood out among fierce competition from schools across the country. The team\’s meticulous research, creative designs, and commitment to sustainability left an indelible impression on the judges.
The National SAGE competition, which brings together talented young minds from various secondary schools, provides a platform for students to develop entrepreneurial skills, social responsibility, and teamwork. This year\’s competition witnessed an unprecedented level of participation, making the CraftHouse team\’s victory all the more impressive.
The team\’s triumph in the national event has opened the door for them to represent Nigeria at the SAGE World Cup, an esteemed international competition in which students from different countries compete on a global scale. The first leg of their journey will take them to South Africa in August, where they will compete against teams from around the world. Following their participation in the World Cup, the CraftHouse team will then proceed to Italy for another high-profile competition in September.
The CraftHouse team\’s achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the students, their mentors, and the supportive academic environment at the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School. The school\’s commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial talent and fostering a spirit of innovation among its students has clearly paid off.
Christy Oko, the school\’s Coach/Instructor, expressed her pride in the CraftHouse team\’s accomplishment, stating, \”We are thrilled and honored to have the CraftHouse team representing Nigeria in these prestigious international competitions. Their victory is a testament to their ingenuity, hard work, and the support they have received from their teachers and parents. We have no doubt they will make Nigeria proud and showcase the immense talent we have in our country.\”
The CraftHouse team, along with their mentors and school officials, are now focused on further refining their project and preparing for the upcoming challenges in South Africa and Italy. They are determined to bring home not only the trophies but also the valuable experiences and lessons learned throughout this journey.
As Nigeria eagerly watches their progress, the CraftHouse team is poised to inspire and motivate a new generation of aspiring entrepreneurs, proving that with dedication, creativity, and perseverance, anything is possible.
Congratulations to the CraftHouse team from the University of Calabar International Demonstration Secondary School, and best wishes for their upcoming competitions in South Africa and Italy.
Dr. Friday Idiku writes from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Calabar NIgeria