There\’s a Purpose for everyone you meet.
Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the BEST from the TEST in you but everyone will teach you something which are lessons of life.
As a person still growing up to be much more better than the previous version of yourself through introduction, you\’ve got to level up so hard that they\’ll have to re- meet and re-know you.
Truly, the best lessons in life are learned from heartaches, empty pockets and failures because there\’s nobody who became incredibly successful until they\’ve suffered, sweated and scarificed.
Thereby keeping focus while fighting positively through several tears and trails because when people hurt you over and over just think of them as SANDPAPER whereby they just scratch to hurt but later shining as well been polished and useful from it while they end up useless.
The Igbos will say, \”Chineke adighi emechu ihu\”
The Yorubas will say, \”Olurun ko jafara\”
The Hausas will say, \”Allah baya kunyata\”
It all centers and means \”God doesn\’t disappoint\” so Come! Come! Come! – WAZOBIA!! to God because he has already seen the unseen, knows the tommorow and can fully interpret this dreams into goals.
Just as a person who ask, seeks and knocks for keys to the doors of miracles over tough/rough obstacles and to solve certain dissolve issues, according to Matthew 7:7-8.
God also seeks for that person patience and contentment also commitment into hard/smartwork as well as discipline and dedication towards zeal in accomplishing the right channel for People, Planet and Persistence.
The road might be too long or even narrow, it will be delayed for the heavy loads to be delivered successfully but never GIVE up till you LIVE unto the exceptional expectations to be fulfilled especially since there\’s a breath of hope in existence.
GOD changes every DISAPPOINTMENT to APPOINTMENT so when you\’ve checked the School Admission, Job Recruitment, Marriage Acceptance, Child Intake, Properties Investment and Leadership Screening list and your name isn\’t there…. it doesn\’t mean you aren\’t remembered. Keep checking! Be informed for reformation and transformation because God\’s surprise package supercedes.
No matter what, try and change those negative insults to positive results and destructive criticisms to constructive. Make them count! The days of bearing good fruits is by the corner if you don\’t stop with the top of carrying it.
Realistically, At some point… CyanahPEN felt like giving up. Thereby leaving the in form passion of writing to inform, reform and trsnsform behind because it\’s not productive enough especially when there\’s no appreciation in the free will to help push out. Yes! It\’s rare to find such.., especially in this sands of time so rather than losing the gold so quickly but sincerely it seems people don\’t value as much that\’s why there\’s the term \”SEE FINISH\” which tends to bring the jewel to rust or be made as an old stuck from the trust they had.
The stronghold and force to reckon with is GOD DOESN\’T DISAPPOINT. God deeply loves and cares for humanity that\’s why he gives us freely the Air to breath and continuously move again and to duplicate this God\’s love with Humanity love.
CyanahPEN creatively develop contents, promote events, manage brands, influences online and plans strategically for the growth of raw and developing talent which are the Upcoming Passion. This God\’s gift shouldn\’t die without notice. It needs to be heard and seen!