Academic Staff Union Of Universities(ASUU) Unical Decide As They Interact With Students And Official Of The Institution

Academic Staff Union of Universities(ASUU) UNICAL on the 10th, Feburary 2022(Friday) had an interactive session with staffs, Malabites and Malabresses and SUG officials at the University of Calabar (UNICAL) International Conference Center by 10am.
The issue remained that the Federal Government (FG) entered into a Memorandum of Action(MOA) in December 2020, with ASUU to end the prolonged strike action by the Unions and one year down the line, the FG has willfully refused to honor the MOA also begging ASUU for another strike.

The SUG UNICAL Vice President,Comrade OBASI CHINAZA JUILET culled some words from Thomas Edison and Joel Odgaton which rightly quoted that \’Our greatest weakness lies in giving up .The most certain way to succeed is always to try again and another movement even if it\’s just one more extra time that everything is a learning process and experience which is the best teacher especially if anytime you fall over or lose, it\’s just teaching you to stand up and be focus to make a win next time.\’

The session started with an opening prayer, introduction and opening remarks where the ASUU UNICAL Chairman was present, Former SUG UNICAL President been present and ASUU UNICAL Exceutive Member/Representative.

The ASUU UNICAL Chairman words rightly said \”Misinformation is misunderstanding. When not informed, you become deformed. Settled here to find the solutions to problems identified with media platforms to share and spread the news.\”
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Following up are the issue: 1. Renegotiation of the 2009 Agreement; The ASUU UNICAL Chairman emphasized on the Government entered into ASUU in 2009 during the time of His Excellency, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and his Minister of Labor and Education present to sign and deliberate on the written document agreement which state that after 3 years it will be renegotiated but 13 years down the line it haven\’t been negotiated or there have no positive change to original agreed terms.
- Funds for Revitalization of Universities; The ASUU UNICAL Chairman explained on the release of money for restructuring, renovating and amendment of hostels, faculties and department buildings adding with the fact of the recent and latest ill fire outbreak practices from unknown men.
- Proliferation of State Universities
- None deployment of the University Transparency Accountability Solution(UTAS).
- Payment of Salary Arrears.
- Payment of Earned Academic Allowances.
Following up as next agenda is Resolutions, Suggestions, Questions, Concerns and Wayforward matters arising;
Miss Asari(HALL 9 Chair) pointed out that ASUU strike plus the COVID break added with the step down issue of accreditation, student have stayed so many years in University.. ASUU shouldn\’t embark on any strike.
Mr Philip(HALL 4 Chair) asked a question and made a suggestion on what\’s the possible effectiveness if embarked on the strike especially when FG doesn\’t have a listening ear to ASUU rather seems to have in relating matters brought by the Nigera Labors Congress(NLC) how about colloboration to fight and beat up this movement.
Senator Samuel(Representative of Faculty of Engineering and Technology) exoansiates on paying tuition fees but relating dues and payment still comes out which is disheartening and ASUU is self centered and selfish. IPPIS is paying people who aren\’t supposed to be paid.

Other relating opinions of forming a committee to help ASUU in the moment and also creating a platform for exceutives and student members for the Committee of ASUU Student Relations. Also galvanizing the force of the students and understanding the issue at hand will help avert because if lecturers who parents as well ain\’t properly fed to feed the young ones…there will be extortion and lecturing process will be through the pass stage not acquiring knowledge level.
Finally, Chuck Grassley rightly emphasized that \’What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school but a different way of looking at the world and learning.\’