Bekwarra council leadership debacle: The portrait of a Queen Mother as a regal farce

Bekwarra council leadership debacle: The portrait of a Queen Mother as a regal farce

By Akwaji Alenyor

In the Checkered and pitiable history of Bekwarra, since its creation, the council has never had a leadership so self-opinionated as the self-styled “Queen Mother” Theresa Ushie who is anything but a tragic emblem of grassroots governance. Before her, was a certain nondescript fellow called Josephath Emeka, a cut from similar loin of ineptitude and crass cluelessness as queen mother, who chanced upon the council like an incubus from 2020 to 2023.

Like a Falcon deaf to a Falconer’s call, the queen mother would swiftly morph into a tragic royalty so condescending of higher authorities and institutions, often defying entreaties to her for rapprochements and attitudinal change.

ALSO READ:Theresa Ushie: Bekwara Local Government Chairman 100 Days in Office Achievement so far

Theresa Ushie comes across as a veritable sovereign of farce whose reign is festooned with one-man decrees and impenetrable fiscal legerdemain that leaves her flock both aghast and amused.

Sardonically monikered as Queen Mother, under Theresa’s lamentable and disquieting leadership; the hallowed halls of Bekwarra legislature, councilors have been miniatured to unwilling spectators observing a cascading series of absurdities; financial arcana, legislators willfully abandoned, and projects hurriedly conceived as if by capricious fate, each act, a slap in the face to collective wisdom.

Theresa’s alleged operatic mismanagement, performed with a tragic flair, has orchestrated a collective cacophonous dissonance that is rattling the very bedrock of local trust, leaving councilors to endure not only physical altercations but also the bitter sting of exclusion.

With the stage set for a possible implosion in the council, came an audacity of impeachment as a desperate yet noble riposte against an autocratic charlatanism, a spectacle of tyranny where transparency and accountability become mere afterthoughts in her gilded diary of misdeeds.


The Queen Mother’s reign, reminiscent of a botched royal pageant, typifies the glaring absence of councilor counsel in decisions of grave consequence, as roads were allegedly without legislative input carelessly graded and boreholes drilled in an unholy haste that birthed discord.

Other infractions against the apathetic, unconscionable and unfeeling imperial Mother also ranged from the distribution of Christmas palliatives and the compulsory ensnarement into dubious banking schemes served as stark epithets of her managerial debacle.

Queen Mother Theresa’s woeful narrative stands as a cautionary elegy—a lament that mediocrity in political leadership is not merely unfortunate, but an art form in decay.

Alenyor is a concerned Bekwarra son from Gakem

Note: The Above article wasn’t written by any of calabargist writers 

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