Fire outbreak at TCN
At 1544hrs of today (03/9/22), the following trippings occurred at Odukpani 330KV T/S;
Odukpani/Adiabo 330KV line 1 and the tie breaker tripped simultaneously on distance trip ( micom relay). And thereby caused lost of supply on 330KV bus 2 (which feed Odukpani/Adiabo 330KV line 2).

T1 150MVA 330/132KV transformer primary and secondary CB\’s tripped simultaneously on HV trip, LV trip and over voltage trip.
T2 60MVA 132/33KV transformer primary CB tripped on back up lockout and inter trip received.
Due to fire outbreak on T1 150MVA 330/132/33KV transformer at Adiabo 330KV T/S.

Load lost on Odukpani/Adiabo line 1 : 10.9mw.
Load lost on Odukpani/Adiabo line 2 : 11.1mw.
Under fine weather condition.
At 1608hrs T1 150MVA 330/132KV transformer primary and secondary CB\’s were restored
At 1609hrs, T2 60MVA 132/33KV primary CB was restored.
As a result of the fire outbreak at Adiabo 330KV T/S, Adiabo 132KV T/S and Calabar 132KV T/S are in black out.
Adiabo 132KV T/S = on soak.
Calabar 132KV T/S = 18.4mw
The transmission line is a 330/132 KVA sub-station at Ikot Nyong in Adiabo, Calabar, and delivers power from Alaoji Power Station to Calabar and it’s environs.
Following the fire outbreak, residents of the state have been thrown into darkness for two days running, leading to disruption of economic activites even as officials of the PHEDC and TCN have yet to comment or formally react to the incident.
When our correspondent visited the site of the transmission line on Sunday, the fire was still smoldering and officials at the plant declined to comment on the incident.
Some residents of the state have, however, faulted the silence of PHEDC and TCN, saying it smacks of irresponsibility.
Source: TheSun.
It may take up to a month to restore supply due to Fire outbreak at TCN