Calabargist Media Extends its Warmest Congratulations to all the Inaugurated Nigerian Leaders

By Cynthia Maduekwe

\”Success isn\’t determined by what you have but by what you do with what you have.\”

This momentous occasion marks a new chapter in the annals of our great country, ushering in a wave of hope, progress, and transformative leadership.

A wise man once said, \”You don\’t become a king by chasing the queen but by chasing the crown and a bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of breaking not because of it trust in the branch but in it own wings.\”


Truly, Life is full of challenges whereby to reach for success then a person will have to be doubted and tested such that sincerely, You\’ll get 100 views before you get 100 likes because not everyone watching you is supporting you.

On this memorable day, Calabargist Staffs wishes the newly sworn in Nigerian Leaders all the best in fulfilling their promises for a better Nigeria as well hope and pray for Justice to be served at the right time also to the outgoing leaders who have left an unforgettable legacy for the incoming leaders to amend or follow up.

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