Emil Inyang: Letting The Best Hand Serve

Emil Inyang: Letting The Best Hand Serve

As you might have seen clearly, not everyone who seeks office is most suitable for the task ahead, especially in a competitive democracy like ours.

Constituencies often take the shape of the quality of leadership it produces. In the Akamkpa/Biase Federal Constituency you might have to cut the chase, especially if Onun Dr. Emil Inyang is running, but then everyone has fundamental right of franchise.

It therefore, behooves on the mutual reasoning of objectivity and practicable indices to choose from the pool of jobbers for the most important legislative job of a federal Parliamentarian.

Looking at first pedigree one will obviously note that Dr. Emil, by far ranks above even though he doesn’t like to show this. The unassuming medical doctor, former council boss and until recently, Chairman of the governing Council of the University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), have made his mark both in politics and practice.

Also Read; DR EMIL INYANG Is Ready To Deliver Cross River State South Come 2023

It is no surprise that his experience and moulding will not just make the people of Akamkpa and Biase proud, but guarantee us the needed federal presence both infrastructurally in the hinterlands and human capacity development learning from his very rare policy statements.

Everyone you interview simply agrees that Dr. Emil brings to bear the necessary qualities suited for a perfect lawmaker with his policies aimed at improving the lots of rural dwellers, its youthful population being exposed to opportunities, amongst other roadmaps he has earmarked.

While one might wonder why Dr Emil Inyang doesn’t like to sing his own songs despite his exposure and knowledge, it is safe to note that the light complexioned, soft-spoken humble man, likes to go unnoticed despite his very impressive resume.


As we look towards 2023, we should think of Emil Inyang as the most suited and capable hand to bridge the gap of leadership between constituents and the green chambers of the Akamkpa and Biase Federal Constituency in the 10th National Assembly as our best bet.

Emil Mandate Group – EMG

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