NANS DIASPORA Leaders React on the recent detention of Nigeria students at Benin Republic

The National Association Of Nigeria Students in Diaspora (NANS DIASPORA) President Comr Prince J Ogah [Esq] earlier met with the Hon. Speaker of ECOWAS PARLIAMENT, His Excellency Rt. Hon Dr Sidie Mohammed Tunis.

The NANS DIASPORA PRESIDENT Comr Ogah Commitment towards quality representation of Nigeria students in Diaspora used the opportunity amongst other issues presented issues of Nigeria students illegally detained in Benin Republic 🇧🇯 and other African States ,while he used the opportunity to call on Benin Republic 🇧🇯 government be responsive to issues of foreign nationals.


Few months again, Activist Emmanuel Peter Obong of Akwa Ibom State University who is currently the Chief of Staff to the NANS-D and the SA on Foreign Affairs to Sen. Saad Baki the NANS NATIONAL SENATE CLERK, told the senator that Nigerian students are really forcing detentions in most foriegn countries just in the cause of acquiring standard education even with their legal documents that the Senator should present this issue to their house and also make sure that President Usman Umar Baram the NANS President has reach out to the Minister of Education and Minister of Foreign Affairs to relate this issue of illegal detention of Nigerian students abroad.

Sen. Saad Baki told Activist Emmanuel Peter that he will sure do something about that until now meanwhile the Senator has been really helping in solving some National problems among Nigerian students in the country.

With this Victorious move of the NANS-D President Prince John Ogar, we appeal that the victims should believe that their freedom will be deliver as soon as possible.

Your sincerely.

Activist Emmanuel Peter Obong
Chief of Staff

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