Step Mother Uses An Electric Iron On Her Step Son in calabar.

I got a call from an anonymous caller reporting an ugly incident that happened last night at No.9 Ekpenyong Ekpenyong Street, in Calabar South LGA concerning an innocent boy who was burnt with an electric iron by his stepmother.

Precious Daniel Offiong, a 10-year-old pupil of Santa Maria Primary School has been living with his stepmother since he was 4 years old. Mrs. Mary Ita Edet is married to his Dad and has always been maltreating him while placing her daughter on a high.


He was accused of misplacing two hundred naira by the stepmother and she flogged the hell out of the child and used an electric iron connected to electricity to burn him all over his body.

So far, the Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs Dr. Helen Isamoh Egodo has immediately been contacted and has promised to visit the child and the stepmother for necessary legal actions.


Neighbors have also confessed to the kind of torture/torment this young child goes through in the hands of his stepmother who most times starves him and allows him to trek to church while she and her daughter go by keke amongst other maltreatments.


No child be it biological or nonbiological deserves such treatment and we won\’t allow such illegalities and devilish acts to go unpunished. The little boy needs urgent medical attention while the stepmother deserves to face the wrath of the law.

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