Unity in Action: Biase Local Government Sets a Shining Example.


In a bold move, Biase Local Government has demonstrated unparalleled unity and foresight by rallying behind a single aspirant, Dcn. Andy Owai, for the forthcoming election.

This decisive step eliminates confusion and presents a strong, united front. We commend Biase Local Government for this exemplary leadership and urge other local governments in Cross River State to follow suit.

Andy Owai

By embracing unity and presenting a single, strong candidate know as Andy Owai, let Biase’s example inspire you to come together and choose a leader who will champion your interests and drive progress.

Unity is strength, and together, you can achieve greatness!

We encourage other local governments to embrace this approach, leading to more cohesive and effective leadership that will propel Cross River State forward.

Congratulations, Biase Local Government, on this remarkable achievement!

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