Dan Obo Jr. attends the Cross River Peace Conference and serves as a panelist.

In response to the world peace walk day, comrade Dan Obo Jr. was opportune to serve as a panelist at the just concluded conference hosted by peace for peace organizations at the Transcorp Hotel,Calabar.


The interactive session consisted of different sectors of life leaders discussing implementing peace in a conflicted environment. The number of panelists was 6, consisting of chiefs, stakeholders of the organization, youth council chairman, etc.

Every panelist has questions and issues to talk about in regards to peacekeeping and conflict resolution. On this note, Mr. Dan Obo Jr. was asked certain questions regarding the conflict among communities and how to set peace among youths in conflicted communities, irrespective of the reasons.

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    Comrade Dan Obo Jnr first of all debunks the mind set that youths are the generators of conflict and war in communities or society’s, stating examples on communal clashes, that most times chiefs who have issues with a particular family won’t focus on solving land problems because it affects the family he dislikes; he therefore calls the young ones to fight, which will lead to war and destruction of lives and properties.

    Dan also states an example of endSars, which was experienced years ago and was fostered by the leaders and not the young people, because from the beginning of looting, the older ones or leaders started it before the young ones saw it as an avenue to buy into.

    A scenario where people still believe young people are the cause of crime is the reason we all still harbor crimes around us. What about a scenario where the community chiefs or leaders know a particular person who terrorizes the environment but still harbors that kind of person? These young ones can’t wake up one morning to strike without the permission from the elders of the land.

    Noting that this crisis of communal conflict is mostly from planting season, and in some communities where enlightenment and interaction are done with chiefs and youths, every conflict intention dies off.

    In conclusion, the chairman, comrade Dan Obo Jr., added that the highest crime in the country is hunger, and there’s no warring community in Cross River State that the youth council of the state hasn’t visited.

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    An award was presented to the national youth council chairman, Cross River State, Comr. Dan Obo Jr., for his tireless leadership and intervention for peace in any warring communities.

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