Dr Janet Ekpenyong And Team Visits Hard to Reach Communities In Odukpani and Calabar South LGAs As NIPDs Climaxes

Dr Janet Ekpenyong And Team Visits Hard to Reach Communities In Odukpani and Calabar South LGAs As NIPDs Climaxes

The Director General of the Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Janet Ekpenyong and her team have visited some hard to reach communities in Odukpani and Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State as the agency seek to actualize Zero missed child in the ongoing National Immunization Plus Days Exercise.


Speaking in Isong Iyang Community, a Riverine settlement in Odukpani Local Government Area of Cross River State, Director General of the Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Janet Ekpenyong said, there is no form of discrimination in any Community irrespective of topographic challenges as health interventions is enjoyed by all.

The community which boast of over 1,000 children within the ages of 0-59 months old, had health workers in some designated centres spreading across markets, schools, churches and other strategic locations.


While addressing some parents and caregivers in their various houses and locations, Dr Janet Ekpenyong appreciated them for taking their wards and children out for Vaccination as she described them as \” collaborative Agent of Change\”and important stakeholders in the quest for Universal Health Coverage.


She urged them to help sensitize their friends and other community members to always visit health centres and discontinue the patronage of local medicines which has little or no regulations.

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She further shared some relief materials to parents and caregivers including sanitary materials, drugs and other essential materials etc.

Far away Calabar South Local Government Area, Director of Local Government Health Authority, Mrs Eme Achibong led some staff for mop up exercise across some Riverine Communities in the area to locate missed children and ensure total Coverage.

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The team appreciated the community leaders and influencers for enlightening the populace of the importance of vaccination to children and adults as well.


The National Immunization Plus Days is a periodic heltth intervention scheme created to ensure total Coverage of children within the ages of 0-59 months as they are being vaccinated against Polio and some childhood killer diseases.

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