Hon. Stanley Nsemo has taken a firm stance against unjust taxation practices

In a bold display of commitment to fairness and economic relief, Hon. Stanley Nsemo has taken a firm stance against unjust taxation practices

In a remarkable display of empathy and dedication to the welfare of the people, *Honorable Stanley Nsemo* has stepped forward to address the pressing issue of unnecessary and illegal taxation imposed on traders in the vibrant Ika Ika Oqua market. With great concern etched on his face, Honorable Nsemo passionately expressed his disapproval of the burdensome taxes and levies that hardworking traders are forced to endure daily.


During a recent session at the esteemed House of Assembly, *Honorable Nsemo* brought the issue to light, shedding light on the plight of even the humble water leaf sellers who are subjected to exorbitant levies amounting to a staggering sum of over N1400 each day. Drawing attention to the plight of these traders, Honorable Nsemo revealed that he had received a heartfelt petition from the Nigerian Union of Shop and Distributive Employees, an esteemed affiliate of the Nigerian Labour Congress and the umbrella organization representing traders in the market.

The petition, which encapsulated the grievances of the traders, highlighted poor management practices and a slew of illegal activities, with excessive taxation being at the forefront. Honorable Nsemo\’s impassioned speech resonated throughout the assembly, compelling other esteemed members to lend their support to the cause.


Deputy Leader of the House, Rt Honorable Davies Etta, expressed his astonishment that this issue had already been raised during the previous 9th Assembly. A committee was established at that time to review the matter, but to everyone\’s dismay, the previous government failed to follow through on the recommendations. This neglect has only served to exacerbate the challenges faced by the traders, adding to their burden instead of alleviating it.

Further amplifying the gravity of the situation, Honorable Eyo Bassey, the representative of Bakassi, shed light on the fact that this issue extends beyond Calabar Municipality, affecting all local government areas within the state. The scale of this predicament demands immediate attention and concerted efforts to find a lasting solution that will benefit all traders across the state.

Responding to this urgent call for action, the Speaker of the House promptly established a dedicated seven-member committee to thoroughly investigate the issue and present a viable resolution within seven days. This committee comprises esteemed members of the House, including Rt Honorable Davies Etta, Honorable Brian Odey, Honorable Okon Owuna, Honorable Stanley Nsemo, Honorable Eyo Bassey, Honorable Charles Omang, and Honorable Effiong Ekarika. Their collective expertise and dedication to justice will undoubtedly pave the way for a fair and effective resolution.


Honorable Nsemo\’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of traders in the Ika Ika Oqua market and beyond has struck a chord with the hearts of the people. His impassioned plea for relief from unjust taxation will undoubtedly be remembered as a defining moment in the fight for the rights and prosperity of traders in Cross River State.

We eagerly anticipate the findings and recommendations of the committee, hoping that they will bring much-needed relief to the traders and mark the beginning of a new era of fairness and accountability in governance.

The people\’s media

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