Asuu Declare Monday free 7Th February 2022 As Lecture Free Day in order to sensitise students, parents and other stakeholders on the brewing crisis arising from the failure of Federal Government to judiciously implement the existing Agreements with the body.

A statement jointly signed on Thursday by Bayero University Kano ASUU Chairman, Comrade Haruna Musa and Comrade Yusuf U. Madugu said the decision \”Asuu Declare Monday free\” is in line with the national secretariat of the union to make stakeholders aware of the present predicament in the citadel of learning.
‘’ASUU has made every effort and listened to voices of wisdom of many peace-loving Nigerians and organizations to suspend the December 2020 strike action in order to allow the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) to do the needful to save the Nigerian University System from further deterioration, ‘’the statement said.
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Yet, the FGN has ignored all the goodwill and genuine appeals made by well-meaning Nigerians on the way forward with regard to the resolution of the lingering impasse between ASUU and FGN.’’
Solacebase reports that the Union acknowledges the recent intervention of the Nigerian Inter religious Council (NIREC) towards addressing the lingering crisis and urges the FGN to listen to the words of wisdom in order to avert another disruption of academic calendar in our Universities.
ASUU-BUK wishes to inform all stakeholders that any action taken by ASUU would be in the best interest of the Nigerian University System. The Union, therefore urges all Concerned to join hands with ASUU in order to salvage the Nigerian University System from imminent collapse by prevailing on the Government to as a matter of urgency implement all the Agreements it freely entered with ASUU.’’