Cross River Youth Parliaments Inaugurated Yakurr Local Government Parliament.

Cross River Youth Parliaments inaugurated Yakurr local government Parliament..

This offered young people across the 13 wards of Yakurr Local government to add value to their constituents through deliberation on Government policies and programs that affects young people directly in their local government and most importantly adding value to the system by proffering solutions to their immediate problems.

ALSO READ; Cross River Youth Parliament begins Her Inauguration At Central Senatirial District With Obubra local government Area.

The election of the Yakurr local government Parliament leader took a twist as it was a consensus, where Hon. Ebong Emmanuel U. emerged The Leader Of Cross River Youth Parliaments, Yakurr Local government Parliament from biko biko ward..



Hon. Arikpo Obaseotah Ejukwa

Hon. Williams Okoi Ani

Hon. Eyong John. Eteng

Hon. Igri Sunday. Etim

Hon. Edet Moses Okoi

Hon. Ubi. Ubi Okon

Hon. Johnson Ofem Ibor


The Leader of Yakurr Local government Parliament gave his acceptance speech by pleading with his colleagues for maximum supports in order to succeed and grow together all for the betterment of the people of Yakurr Local government..

ALSO READ; CRS Youth Parliament Ikom Chapter got Inaugurated.

Rt. Hon Gideon Mbukpa Gave his opening remarks about the important of extending the Parliament to grassroots just to create more awareness of legislation to all constituents and giving young people the needed platform to understand the need to build capacity, develop strength and deliver on this mandate through speaking out for young people in their respective wards and most especially educate them that Parliament stands apolitical in her activities and programs..

Hon. Emmanuel Ekpenyong spoke on the need to show capacity on the responsibility given to them

Hon. Emmanuel Omang spoke on the need to speak out on youth related issues like Cultism, unemployment, political thuggery etc

ALSO READ; CRS Chapter Nigerian Youth Watch Comments On The Forthcoming Ogoja/Yala And Akpabuyo Federal House Of Representative By-Election.



Rt. Hon Gideon Mbukpa, Speaker Of Cross River State Youth Parliament

Hon. Emmanuel Ekpenyong, Chairman on Education and Caucus Chairman of Southern Senatorial District

Hon. Emmanuel Ogar Omang, Chairman on Security and Caucus Chairman of Central Senatorial District

2 thoughts on “Cross River Youth Parliaments Inaugurated Yakurr Local Government Parliament.”

  1. Congratulations to Hon.Moses Okoi Edet,the Great Ikpakapit representative..
    Set the pace in the parliament and remember where you are coming from…
    Fair winds

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