Important update on UNICAL Final Year Clearance Requirements


This is to inform all UNICAL Final Year students that clearances are going on and can be done now without waiting until graduation when there\’ll be a crowd and it will be difficult.

The list of ongoing clearances, venue for clearance and amount are as follows:

  1. Medical Clearance Venue: Unical Medical Centre, Main Campus.
    Amount: 500 (with medical card)
    700 (without medical card)
    Extra requirements: School Fees Reciept
  2. Sports Clearance
    Venue: Abraham Ordia Stadium
    Amount: 500
    Extra requirements: None
  3. Alumni Clearance
    Venue: Unical Senate Complex, in front of VC gate.
    Amount: 300
    Extra requirements: Pay at Microfinance bank
    Acct name: Directorate of Alumni
    Acct number: 0120143710
  4. Library Clearance
    Venue: Main Library
    Amount: 1,000 (UTME) 1,500 as a result no of library card).
    Extra Requirements: None
  5. Students Affairs Clearance
    Venue: Students Affairs Office, Main Camp
    Amount: 1000
    Extra Requirements: Pay at Microfinance Bank
    Acct name: Student Affairs 2021
    Acct no: 0110450740
  6. Security Clearance
    Venue: Unical Security Office, VC Block
    Amount: 500
    Extra Requirement:
    Students Affairs Clearance reciept; Friends of Malabor clearance receipt; Alumni Clearance Reciep.
  7. Friends of Malabor Clearance
    Venue: Student Affairs Main Camp.
    Amount: 2,000
    Extra Requirements: Pay at Microfinance bank
    Acct name: Friends of Malabor
    Acct no: 0110441305
  8. Faculty Clarence
    You already know (Depends on your Faculty)
  9. Department Clearance
    To be announced Depends on your Department)
  10. Bursary Clearance
    After every other clearance is completesd.

Concerned Brother

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