Biase youths parliament; Motion Calling On The Biase Legislatives Council To Do Adopt Biase Youth Parliament As Its Legislatives Youth Wings\”(By Hon. Ugen Brenda)
Why it\’s sacrosanct that the Biase Legislative Council should do adopt the Biase Youths Parliament as its Legislatives Youth wings. ~ (By Hon. ULONG JOHNSON)

First and foremost, I wish to kindly emphasize little on the goals and objectives of Biase Youth Parliament:
Firstly, it\’s to mentor the young Biase Youths on Legislatives processes
Secondly, it\’s to foster unity amongst the Youths of Biase
Thirdly, it\’s to defend and promote the good interest of Biase Youths
And lastly, it\’s to get Biase youth actively involved in governance

Mr. Leader, with the following objectives of the Biase Youth Parliament so outlined above, I hereby stand to support the \”motion calling on the Biase Legislative Council to do adopt Biase Youth Parliament as its Legislatives Youth Wings\” because the results of it positive outcome would practically and eventually lead us to a positive participation in governance processes which is what I refer to as the meaningful contribution of young people in every stage and at every level of governance (federation, state or Local Government, even to the community level).
Also Read; Cross River Youth Parliaments Inaugurated Yakurr Local Government Parliament.
Evidentially Mr. Leader, this would translate into youth participation before, during and after election processes;
it would also translate into young people in cabinet serving as examples and role models or better ambassadors for the youth constituency;
It would as well translate into young people desisting from corruption, social and domestic violence and also ill related practices;
And it would more so translate into governments including young people in every aspect of the development ladder.
Mr. Leader, we should be mindful that this \”motion calling on the Biase Legislative Council to do adopt the Biase Youth Parliament as its Legislatives Youth Wings\” if failed to have it\’s limelight would keep us in negative participation which means the reverse of the aforementioned. Consequently it should heavily interest us to know that the goal of the Youth Parliament, practically in the Local Government Area (Biase LGA in this case) would be grossly defeated if the negative participation becomes the case.
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On this note Mr. Leader, I therefore solicit strongly as well, that this \”motion calling on the Biase Legislative Council to do adopt the Biase Youths Parliament as its Legislatives Youth Wings\” see the limelight of the day.
Mr Bassey Oke Bassey. – Clerk
Mr Fred Eyong – Sergeant at arms
Mr Lawrence Eko Owai. – Chief of staff/ Chief press release
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Long Live Biase Youth Parliament