- Invest the stacked money in people who will use it for business and bring back returns. We have so many of them here.
- Buy grains and store. The grains will stay beyond January 2023 and appreciate. But be sure to dry them well if not they will be damaged.
- Buy land and keep beyond 2023. Land will always appreciate. So many sellers will also collect cash. I can help you buy some just make sure you arrange my 5% commission.
- Invest in farming and agriculture. This will also go beyond 2023 as agriculture is gradually becoming the new oil well. Baba Buhari also likes this.
- Give out grants, loans and scholarships. It will always come back to you and your generation yet unborn. I also like this .
- Establish industries and be an employer of labour. Good way to reduce unemployment, poverty and crimes.
- Remember the orphanages, the widows, less privileged and the NGO\’s, they will help you spend your cash well. God will be happy with you.
- Develop your village and immediate environment and try to put a smile on people\’s face. The world will not come to an end if you do that
- Establish an institution that will serve as shelter to succour and help those who cannot afford it. This is a great charity.
- Finally, if you still don\’t know what to do with the money, construct roads, bridges, build schools and hospitals, provide solar power and improve on the standard of living in Nigeria or even take it to the house of God.
Amb. AbdulRazaq Isa, founder LFN International Company